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  • Writer's pictureShannon Conklin

Easy Ways To Cut Sugar In Your Diet

Updated: Dec 28, 2018


Sugar is a CHRONIC toxin, the damage done to our bodies isn't immediate, it develops over time. However, just like smoking cigarettes, when the damage has been done it is so much harder to reverse.

Did you know that the average American consumes almost than 150 pounds of sugar per YEAR! YIKES!

Did you also know that 1 T of sugar is almost 50 calories? Empty calories at that. Sugar has a completely unique metabolic and hormonal impact on our bodies that fats, protein and complex carbohydrates do not, which cause inflammation and fat storage!

Cutting just 1 T of sugar from your diet per day would result in an easy 5 lb weight loss in one year!

In addition to losing weight you will also reduce the inflammation in your body AND insulin resistance, which is directly linked to diabetes, heart disease, PCOS and several other chronic diseases.

You don't have to completely eliminate sugar to enjoy improved wellness - there are ways to essentially have your "cake" and eat it to!

You can easily limit added sugars with these 6 simple steps.

1) READ PACKAGE LABELS FOR “SUGAR IN DISGUISE” - even if it sounds like a healthier option it’s all the same to our body. Don’t be fooled by honey, brown sugar, raw sugar, agave or molasses.

2) KNOW YOUR NUMBERS: HOW MUCH SUGAR IS IN A SERVING? Check the package label for the term “total sugars” or “added sugars” and divide the number of grams by 4. That’s how many teaspoons are in that serving, giving you a more visual view of how much sugar you are consuming.

3) REDUCE LIQUID CALORIES: Skip high sugar sodas, juices and Starbucks. Not to hate on Starbucks but those yummy concoctions are LOADED with sugar!

4) LIMIT ADDING SUGAR TO YOUR FOOD: Instead of sugar in your coffee or adding to your foods try a natural sweetener like Stevia that has no calories but all of the yummy sweetness!

5) FAT FREE DOESN’T MEAN SUGAR-FREE: Often when fat is removed sugar is added so be sure to check the labels!

6) CUT DOWN ON CONDIMENTS AND SAUCES: Many people are surprised that condiments such as ketchup, barbecue sauce and teriyaki sauce have a lot of sugar. Just a squirt of ketchup has 1 teaspoon of sugar. Pasta sauce is also a culprit - so again, READ YOUR LABELS!

How are you going to limit sugar in your diet today? Comment and let me know!

In Love & Discipline,


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